Common questions answered.

Before the Repair

  • 99% of the time, yes, and you can avoid the extra cost of replacing.

  • We can usually schedule you within 10-15 days of the initial chat.

  • We offer countertop repairs in most of the United States. Please consult our coverage map or contact us to confirm specific locations.

  • If you are still within the warranty time period, yes. Corian offers a 10-year limited warranty, and a few manufacturers offer a 15-year limited warranty. Contact the manufacturer of your solid surface material for complete details.

  • “Color Match” is an extra piece of solid surface material, that can be used for the repair. This piece is left behind from the original installation. It usually is a cutting board, or sometimes it is a scrap piece left in the garage, or in the sink cabinet. If you don’t have color match material, sometimes we can remove and replace a side splash to obtain color match for a perfect repair to your countertop.

During the Repair

  • Since every situation is different, we will give you a better idea when we know the details of your situation. However, most countertop repairs take about a half day. Some can take all day.

  • Nope! Often, our customers leave to go to work, run errands, etc. We prefer to meet you when we arrive, so we can tell you how we perform the repair and what to expect, but it’s unnecessary. However, someone must be at least 18 years old if someone is present.

After the Repair

  • Almost always, the repair will be invisible to the naked eye. That’s one of the key benefits to solid surface: it is extremely renewable. We promise a significant improvement in the appearance of your countertop. Also, color match from the installation can make a real difference in the results.

  • The most common cause of cracking is excessive heat, so we recommend you use a trivet under all electric appliances and hot pots. Please see your manufacturers’ guidelines on daily use of your countertops.

  • Yes, we accept all major credit cards.

  • No, sorry. BTP only provides professional countertop repairs and restoration. Go to the manufacturers’ websites for regular maintenance tips and to locate the nearest dealer or fabricator.